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Applications for the 2024-25 academic year close on August 15! Rolling applications may be considered for Winter Term. Please read the guidelines below carefully to support submission of a strong application.

PLEASE READ: Application Guidelines

Thank you for your interest in Christus House!


We are so pleased to offer the student communities of UO and LCC a rare opportunity to engage in a year of growth and support. Christus House includes housing, but is not primarily student housing: it is an intentional living community for students. As you prepare your application, please read these guidelines carefully and thoroughly (ineligible or incomplete applications will not be considered):


  1. Residents of Christus House be 18 years or older; this community is intended for students under the age of 30.

  2. Applicants should be currently enrolled as a full-time undergraduate or Master's-level student in their academic institution. Potential applicants who are enrolled part-time but still interested in this housing community are invited to submit a “special circumstances” request with their application.

  3. Applicants should be committed to a year of engagement in community life together, including: community nights every Sunday, household chores as assigned, and once monthly service with Hearth & Table. They should demonstrate social maturity, accountability to others, academic commitment, and a desire to grow in justice, loving-kindness, and humility in faith. Each year, the community develops a covenant of best-practices with one another that everyone will then be accountable to maintain.

  4. We affirm and celebrate the kaleidoscope of human diversity. In the spirit and example of Jesus, this community commits to the perpetual work of dismantling white supremacy, trans- and homophobia, misogyny and sexism, ableism, and the systemic forms that enforce these powers in our lives. Applicants should have mature commitment to co-creating a space of sincere care for all residents.

  5. It is not a requirement that applicants identify as Christian; however, please be aware that this space is a mission of Lutheran campus ministry, and informed by Lutheran Christian values and teaching. This is a sanctuary for discussion of spirituality and faith, Christian scripture, and the "big questions" we carry about meaning, purpose, and our deepest concerns. As a Christian community, we encourage residents to be their whole selves - including spiritual and religious - in this community, and all residents agree to create space for this integrated life. 


In addition to the initial basic information, this application includes a narrative section – please provide yourself time and space that supports thoughtful responses to the questions below. In addition to your application below, please provide two character references (professors, advisers, ministers, or employers preferred) and contact numbers for each. This information, with any additional questions or information you may wish to send, should be emailed to Clare at


Upon receipt of your full and complete application, Deacon Clare will contact you about next steps, which include a mutual interview, a tour of Christus House, and background check before notification of a final decision. Please allow 2-4 weeks from receipt of application for a decision.


1857 Potter St

Eugene, OR 97403


541-345-0395 x306


© 2017 by Central Lutheran Church

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