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  • Sister Clare Josef-Maier

COVID-19 Update

Yesterday, Friday, March 19th, the University of Oregon announced it will provide remote education for all of spring term to protect the health and safety of campus and the community. UO buildings and facilities are closed to the general public. Modified hours, remote service, and building closures can be found at While, as of now, UO reports that residence halls will be open and take-out dining will be available for spring term, we understand that both housing and food security for many students is impacted by the pandemic we are facing.

On March 16, Governor Brown issued an executive order cancelling all events of over 25 people and discouraging gatherings of 10 people or more. In the event that non-essential businesses receive notice to close, please know that "businesses or organizations that provide food, shelter, or critical social services for disadvantaged populations" are considered essential. We take our opportunity to support students during this challenging time very seriously.

Given all of this, and in careful ongoing consultation of Oregon Health Authority recommendations, as well as in conversation with FOOD for Lane County, the Central Lutheran Church Council, and the UO Food Security Task Force, Hearth & Table will implement the following responses to the COVID-19 sitation:

• Reduce volunteer teams to maximize social distancing in food preparation/packing spaces.

• Enforce stringent hygiene practices for all volunteers, including frequent and thorough hand washing for at least 20 seconds at a time.

• Immediately increase sanitizing and cleaning frequency of high contact areas -- such as restrooms.

• Until otherwise considered safe, closing on-site seating and distributing meals in take-away containers only.

Please watch our social media (@hearthandtableck on FB and @goodsoilcampusministry on IG) for details as we approach our re-opening Thursday, April 2. In the interim, take good care of yourselves and your neighbors.

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